There are lots of places that offer massage, why get a massage here?
Clayton is a licensed massage therapist who is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals of a healthy, active body, free of aches and pains. Whatever your personal goals, whether you have hopes of increasing your flexibility, improving your mobility, reducing the frequency of tension headaches (in some cases getting rid of them altogether), getting some relief for sore muscles after a particularly hard work out session or just to help you relax and undo tension brought on by both emotional and physical stress from everyday life, therapeutic massage is an excellent choice for anyone hoping to improve their quality of life!
On your initial massage, he will listen to what you feel your body needs and plan your massage session with you. Through what you tell him, along with visual and physical assessment, he can help you assess what is happening with your body and develop a treatment plan specific to your body's needs.
On your initial massage, he will listen to what you feel your body needs and plan your massage session with you. Through what you tell him, along with visual and physical assessment, he can help you assess what is happening with your body and develop a treatment plan specific to your body's needs.
Your massage will be individually tailored to you. Every individual client is different and every massage should be a unique massage experience.
Every massage comes with the option of hot towels, warm table, soothing music and a organic, antioxidant rich formula of pomegranate and green tea massage creme.
Every massage comes with the option of hot towels, warm table, soothing music and a organic, antioxidant rich formula of pomegranate and green tea massage creme.
Located at 8415 S. Western Ave. Oklahoma City OK 73139, inside a balanced body massage therapy clinic.
Book your massage appointment online with the "Book Now" button below and select Clayton under the therapist menu!
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